Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 1 of the SSC challenge

This week has been really busy for me, I walked a total of 7 miles this week, drank 10 glasses of water today and jogged for a half n hour at work for my lunch break for 2 days. I got on the scale this morning and nearly collapsed.. I now weigh 152.8. I tried 3 different scales to make sure they all said the same thing, lol. So that puts me down 4.2 pounds from last week. I also had to think about everything I actually did last week, I had that TOM which accounted for bloating, I caught a stomach virus which would not allow me to keep anything down( sorry for TMI) I really worked my butt off in exercising; and I chose to walk places instead of driving. If I had to go to the supermarket, I would park in the back of the parking lot just for the exercise. My calorie intake did not exceed 1400( after exercising that is).. I hope I can keep up this trend of weight lost because I hung my bathing suit in my bathroom so I can look at it everyday as motivation:). I hope everyone had a great week as I did!

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