Saturday, March 24, 2012

first post of the SSC

 hello everyone, my name is Octavia but i rather go by Tay.i am 24 years old with 2 kids, i love my children with everything in my being.i am not only doing this for myself but for them as well. this is my third weight loss challenge and i am proud of the results i have received from the support i get from my fellow weight loss sisters' to me sometimes its good to hear " great job" when you think your in a slump or even when you hit a weight loss plateau. i promise to try to send motivation to everyone in this challenge and i know we all will shine in the end.

bathing suit:
I am so excited to start this challenge this will really help me get into my dream bathing suit that i bought last year but never wore. i am currently a size 12 in clothes but i want to be a comfortable 8-10. the bathing suit i picked out is a size 10. (as you can see in the picture above). i am not attempting to have a perfect bathing suit body but a nice looking one will be my goal, i don't want to look lumpy or like a sausage squeezing into it.

 current weight: my current weight for this challenge is 157. i want to lose 20 pounds which would put me in the 130's. this challenge ends right before my birthday so this will be the perfect birthday gift to be 50 pounds lighter and turning 25.

exercise: i plan on on walking up to 4-5 miles a week and riding my stationary bike for 20-25 minutes for 2-4 days a week. My water consumption will consist of 5-9 glasses a day. i do not plan on weighing myself every week i plan on weighing myself every other week so i can achieve a better result; but that's only if it is  ok with Ms Kim.:)

now lets start this week off with a bang and kick some weight loss butt, we are going to be super sexy females in our bathing suit this year!!!


  1. pretty bathing suit Tay. I would like a weigh in every week so that all of the updates are consistent with everyone else's if thats ok :-/ sorry I dont wanna be a meany but I will feel like Im bending the rules you know? L et me know if this i a problem please.

    1. That's no problem, I can do that, it was only wishful thinking.. Lol

  2. Pretty suit. I'm sure you'll look awesome in it when you hit that 20lb goal!

  3. Hi Tay..Yes it's good to see a familiar face this challenge. I'm glad you joined this new challenge.. Lovin' the print on your suit. Let's get it started.. We can do it :)
