Friday, January 13, 2012

FDOS week 2

This week has been great.. I have walked for 2 in a half hours for 4 days, I rode the stationary bike for 20 minutes for 2 days and I drank 5-7 glasses of water daily. I could not resist my herbal tea so I had about 3-5 cups of them. If you were wondering the name of the brand of tea I drink it's bigelow tea. They are caffeine free and zero calories; it's a win-win situation.:) I made alot of healthy choices this week; for example instead of eating a krimpet I ate a apple or some yogurt. I have to fight for my yogurt because my kids love it also. I ate salads for lunch and for breakfast I had a yogurt with slice of toasted wheat bread. I did not exceed 1300 calories. I have chose not to weigh myself this week because I want a big loss next week so I'm going to say I'm still 164.. I sorry this is short but it's straight to the point. I hope everyone had a great week, I can't wait to read your results:)


  1. Booooooo no weigh in...... Sounds like you did good though. Guess I'll have to wait to see the results

  2. Keep up the good work you had a excellent week.. Can't wait for the weigh in :)
